Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Energy Medicine: How Sinus Allergy is Relieved? ( Yuen Method, Hypnosis, NLP)

We will be correcting for nasal congestion caused from a seasonal allergy. Looking for variables that cause energetic weakness. The variable in this scenario are flowers, grass and pollen.

If any of these variables feel weak , you correct them to be strong. Strong means the energy associated with the variables do not weaken you energetically.

When you are energetically neutral(strong), you will be less affected and your symptoms can be minimized.

Additional video tips to make energetic correction can be found at Energy Medicine website or email me at

Energy Medicine: How To Enhance Reiki With Yuen Method.

Tips for Enhancing reiki effectiveness.

  1. Apply the Mid-line(ML) principe Yuen Method.
  2. Think about your connection to the various Reiki symbols.
  3. Use ML to strengthen energy flow you to symbol
  4. Use ML to strengthen energy flow symbols to you
  5. Repeat 3 & 4 for all the Reiki symbols

Additional video tips to make energetic correction can be found at Energy Medicine website or email me at

Energy Medicine: How Neck Tension Is Eliminated? (Yuen Method, Hypnosis, NLP)

Correcting Neck Tension

When correcting for energetic weakness, it is necessary to correct for perception.

Often times stress, pain, or energetic imbalances are corrected but the perception has not caught up.


This means when corrections are made, a person might not perceive it immediately, hence, thinking that the practitioner did not do anything.

You want to make a correction to strengthen the person's ability to perceive faster so that he/she notices changes instantly and can fell the pain going away

Additional video tips to make energetic correction can be found at Energy Medicine website or email me at

Energy Medicine: How Pain For Car Accident Is Relieved? (Yuen Method Hypnosis, NLP)

Correcting Knee Pain

Correction 1

When a person says an area of their body hurts like the knees you want to feel for strong or weak.

If you find no weaknesses in that area, you then want to scan other parts of the body for energetics weakness.

Once you find the weakness, you go to the middle to flip the energy switch from weak to strong. Often times by doing so, physical pain goes away.


When an issue is in the lower body like the knees, look for energy weakness in upper body or vice versa.

A common pattern to look for is looking at the opposite sides. If it's a lower body issue, look for an upper body issue.

If it's a right side issue, look for a left side issue.

Correction 2

Once a correction is made, the energy starts to change. Here the energy changed to a feeling of "heaviness" so you make a correction by deleting the effects of life issue that cause him to fell"heaviness". By neutralizing the effects of those life issues, the "heaviness" goes away.


Listen to what the person says and test for strong / weak. In this case, the word "heaviness" gave us a clue where you want to start making the corrections.

Additional video tips to make energetic correction can be found at Energy Medicine website or email me at

Energy Medicine: How Gallbladder and Intestine Issues are relieved? (Energy Medicine, Yuen Method Hypnosis,)

Correcting Gallbladder and Intestine Issues

Correction 1

Some of the energetic issues is cause by the human need to be empathic(compassionate).

Often times, people say " I feel bad for someone else problems, pain , and issues.: and by saying that, they energetically take on the other person problems. If they dont know how to clear the energetic effect of empathy , they can take on the energies of others and eventually weaken their own physical and emotional well-being. THose that called themselves "emphats" often experience burnout or being drained by others.

When you energetically delete the effects of these emphatic experiences the persons' energies you pick up will no longer affect, drain, and wear you down.

With this energetic process, you can delete the effects of being overly compassionate, which put you in greater balance without personal and professional burnout (draining yourself).

Correction 2

Because she said energy moves upward, the practitioner should feel for wether the energy is strong or weak. In this case, the upward flow of energy is weak. So you ask the question, "Why is energy weak?" You logically look for potential reasons that cause weaknesses.

When you think of her life going up it energetically feels strong. when you think of her life going down it energetically feels weak. the correction is to delete the effects of downward experience in life.


You can apply this type of correction to eliminate nausea by strengthening the flow of energy going downward.

When people say they want to throw up, its because the energy is moving upwards. by doing this correction, they will no long fell nauseous.

Additional video tips to make energetic correction can be found at Energy Medicine website or email me at

Energy Medicine: How Pins & Needles Back Pain is Relieved? (Yuen Method, Hypnosis, NLP)

Correction 1.

Delete effects related to "pin-like" experiences.


What are Metaphoric Corrections? When doing corrections, you listen to key words and feel for energetic associations with the words.

She said that there is a physical pin sensation in her back. So you test for strong/weak by thinking of possible experiences related to the word pin.

THe correction deletes the effects related to "pin-like" experiences.

After doing so, the "pin-like" feeling goes away and turns into annoying feeling.

Insight 2

Observe when a pain or feelings changes. This means your corrections are working and you are making progress.

Correction 2

Delete effects of "annoying" experience.

Insight 3

If you have a memory of an experince and it still annoys you, then this experience still has an energetic effect on you. Ask yourself then key questions, does it still BOTHER you when you think about it ? If yes, use the midline to delete the energetic effects. After doing so, thinking about the memory will no longer have the same energetic effect on you.

COrrection 3

Delete effects of experiences of "being right"

Insight 4

Use Chinese Energetics Principles to delete energetics effects of non-physical experiences.

By doing so, physical pain can be eliminated.

Correction 4

Delete effects of causing discomfort to others.

Additional video tips to make energetic correction can be found at Energy Medicine website or email me at

Energy Medicine : How Chest Pressure is Relieved?

Correcting for Chest Pressure in the Heart and Lung Areas

Chest pressure is related to experiencing the lows in life. We are correcting past experiences where she felt the life low(financial, emotional, etc)

She is corrected for lows of life so past experiences wont energetically weaken her. Also, she is corrected to be more neutral to deal with potential future lows, so the effects will be minimum and bouncing back will be easier.

Additional video tips to make energetic correction can be found at Energy Medicine website or email me at