In a day filled with stress it’s no longer a surprise if we start feeling physical symptoms such as pain. How can we possibly cure these symptoms when the cause is always present? We can get stressed by even thinking of a good if not the best solutions. The answer is a self-help healing which is called Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) an Energy Medicine.
Every day, we jump into the rush hour. Unable to stop and savor the air that we breath, everything is in a fast pace. We worked so hard and are underpaid. We sleep less and less every time. No more time for relaxation and a good vacation. We end up feeling and looking harassed and no make-up could cover it. Then all of a sudden, our immune system drops down to sea level and diseases starts to creep inside our body and surprises us big time. An unpleasant surprise indeed, something that some of us could not afford. From my experience, after the self-imposed bed rest that I forced myself to adhere after a terrible fatigue due to overwork, I decided to take up and learn this alternative modality. It is something that I came across with during my ‘rest days’ that have helped me a lot in eliminating the pain and fatigability that I felt for a very long time.
There were many alternative Energy Medicine, why did I opt for EFT?
Primarily, I can do it all by myself. Of course, after I visit with a good EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques practitioner who has experience and can find out how to start the process off right. After that, I could do it at home when I feel stressed and uneasy. Second, it is said to be helpful in eliminating phobias, depression, fear, panic, negative thoughts, tension, anxiety, nervousness, insomnia, social anxiety, and most especially STRESS. Third, I do not need to ingest any chemicals to make myself feel better, so I get to protect my kidney. Lastly, no harm can be done in trying. After all, the only thing that the practitioner or I will do is to ‘tap’ certain acupuncture points in my body.
By using this Energy Healing Medicine in eliminating stress from the body, my life had never been better. I have not felt this good ever since. It had open my eyes into the reality that sometimes, the things we feel is a result of the things that bothers our mind. However, although EFT is a wonderful self help, those with diagnosed disease and on-going therapies should consult with their care providers first.
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