Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Energy Medicine: How Gallbladder and Intestine Issues are relieved? (Energy Medicine, Yuen Method Hypnosis,)

Correcting Gallbladder and Intestine Issues

Correction 1

Some of the energetic issues is cause by the human need to be empathic(compassionate).

Often times, people say " I feel bad for someone else problems, pain , and issues.: and by saying that, they energetically take on the other person problems. If they dont know how to clear the energetic effect of empathy , they can take on the energies of others and eventually weaken their own physical and emotional well-being. THose that called themselves "emphats" often experience burnout or being drained by others.

When you energetically delete the effects of these emphatic experiences the persons' energies you pick up will no longer affect, drain, and wear you down.

With this energetic process, you can delete the effects of being overly compassionate, which put you in greater balance without personal and professional burnout (draining yourself).

Correction 2

Because she said energy moves upward, the practitioner should feel for wether the energy is strong or weak. In this case, the upward flow of energy is weak. So you ask the question, "Why is energy weak?" You logically look for potential reasons that cause weaknesses.

When you think of her life going up it energetically feels strong. when you think of her life going down it energetically feels weak. the correction is to delete the effects of downward experience in life.


You can apply this type of correction to eliminate nausea by strengthening the flow of energy going downward.

When people say they want to throw up, its because the energy is moving upwards. by doing this correction, they will no long fell nauseous.

Additional video tips to make energetic correction can be found at Energy Medicine website or email me at

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