Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Energy Medicine: How Pins & Needles Back Pain is Relieved? (Yuen Method, Hypnosis, NLP)

Correction 1.

Delete effects related to "pin-like" experiences.


What are Metaphoric Corrections? When doing corrections, you listen to key words and feel for energetic associations with the words.

She said that there is a physical pin sensation in her back. So you test for strong/weak by thinking of possible experiences related to the word pin.

THe correction deletes the effects related to "pin-like" experiences.

After doing so, the "pin-like" feeling goes away and turns into annoying feeling.

Insight 2

Observe when a pain or feelings changes. This means your corrections are working and you are making progress.

Correction 2

Delete effects of "annoying" experience.

Insight 3

If you have a memory of an experince and it still annoys you, then this experience still has an energetic effect on you. Ask yourself then key questions, does it still BOTHER you when you think about it ? If yes, use the midline to delete the energetic effects. After doing so, thinking about the memory will no longer have the same energetic effect on you.

COrrection 3

Delete effects of experiences of "being right"

Insight 4

Use Chinese Energetics Principles to delete energetics effects of non-physical experiences.

By doing so, physical pain can be eliminated.

Correction 4

Delete effects of causing discomfort to others.

Additional video tips to make energetic correction can be found at Energy Medicine website or email me at

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