Learn Energy Medicine Technology to Naturally Rejuvenate and Regenerate your Mind, Body, and Spirit. Watch free Instructional videos on natural self healing for pain and stress relief. With Energy Medicine there is less need for Drugs, Surgery, and Long Term Western Traditional Therapy.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Energy Medicine: How Sinus Allergy is Relieved? ( Yuen Method, Hypnosis, NLP)
We will be correcting for nasal congestion caused from a seasonal allergy. Looking for variables that cause energetic weakness. The variable in this scenario are flowers, grass and pollen.
If any of these variables feel weak , you correct them to be strong. Strong means the energy associated with the variables do not weaken you energetically.
When you are energetically neutral(strong), you will be less affected and your symptoms can be minimized.
Additional video tips to make energetic correction can be found at Energy Medicine website or email me at vanessa@chineseenergetics.com.
alternative medicine,
nasal congestion,
Energy Medicine: How To Enhance Reiki With Yuen Method.
Tips for Enhancing reiki effectiveness.
- Apply the Mid-line(ML) principe Yuen Method.
- Think about your connection to the various Reiki symbols.
- Use ML to strengthen energy flow you to symbol
- Use ML to strengthen energy flow symbols to you
- Repeat 3 & 4 for all the Reiki symbols
Additional video tips to make energetic correction can be found at Energy Medicine website or email me at vanessa@chineseenergetics.com.
Energy Medicine: How Neck Tension Is Eliminated? (Yuen Method, Hypnosis, NLP)
Correcting Neck Tension
When correcting for energetic weakness, it is necessary to correct for perception.
Often times stress, pain, or energetic imbalances are corrected but the perception has not caught up.
This means when corrections are made, a person might not perceive it immediately, hence, thinking that the practitioner did not do anything.
You want to make a correction to strengthen the person's ability to perceive faster so that he/she notices changes instantly and can fell the pain going away
Additional video tips to make energetic correction can be found at Energy Medicine website or email me at vanessa@chineseenergetics.com.
energy medicine,
Energy Medicine: How Pain For Car Accident Is Relieved? (Yuen Method Hypnosis, NLP)
Correcting Knee Pain
Correction 1
When a person says an area of their body hurts like the knees you want to feel for strong or weak.
If you find no weaknesses in that area, you then want to scan other parts of the body for energetics weakness.
Once you find the weakness, you go to the middle to flip the energy switch from weak to strong. Often times by doing so, physical pain goes away.
When an issue is in the lower body like the knees, look for energy weakness in upper body or vice versa.
A common pattern to look for is looking at the opposite sides. If it's a lower body issue, look for an upper body issue.
If it's a right side issue, look for a left side issue.
Correction 2
Once a correction is made, the energy starts to change. Here the energy changed to a feeling of "heaviness" so you make a correction by deleting the effects of life issue that cause him to fell"heaviness". By neutralizing the effects of those life issues, the "heaviness" goes away.
Listen to what the person says and test for strong / weak. In this case, the word "heaviness" gave us a clue where you want to start making the corrections.
Additional video tips to make energetic correction can be found at Energy Medicine website or email me at vanessa@chineseenergetics.com.
car accident,
energy medicine,
yuen method
Energy Medicine: How Gallbladder and Intestine Issues are relieved? (Energy Medicine, Yuen Method Hypnosis,)
Correcting Gallbladder and Intestine Issues
Correction 1
Some of the energetic issues is cause by the human need to be empathic(compassionate).
Often times, people say " I feel bad for someone else problems, pain , and issues.: and by saying that, they energetically take on the other person problems. If they dont know how to clear the energetic effect of empathy , they can take on the energies of others and eventually weaken their own physical and emotional well-being. THose that called themselves "emphats" often experience burnout or being drained by others.
When you energetically delete the effects of these emphatic experiences the persons' energies you pick up will no longer affect, drain, and wear you down.
With this energetic process, you can delete the effects of being overly compassionate, which put you in greater balance without personal and professional burnout (draining yourself).
Correction 2
Because she said energy moves upward, the practitioner should feel for wether the energy is strong or weak. In this case, the upward flow of energy is weak. So you ask the question, "Why is energy weak?" You logically look for potential reasons that cause weaknesses.
When you think of her life going up it energetically feels strong. when you think of her life going down it energetically feels weak. the correction is to delete the effects of downward experience in life.
You can apply this type of correction to eliminate nausea by strengthening the flow of energy going downward.
When people say they want to throw up, its because the energy is moving upwards. by doing this correction, they will no long fell nauseous.
Additional video tips to make energetic correction can be found at Energy Medicine website or email me at vanessa@chineseenergetics.com.
energy medicine,
Energy Medicine: How Pins & Needles Back Pain is Relieved? (Yuen Method, Hypnosis, NLP)
Correction 1.
Delete effects related to "pin-like" experiences.
What are Metaphoric Corrections? When doing corrections, you listen to key words and feel for energetic associations with the words.
She said that there is a physical pin sensation in her back. So you test for strong/weak by thinking of possible experiences related to the word pin.
THe correction deletes the effects related to "pin-like" experiences.
After doing so, the "pin-like" feeling goes away and turns into annoying feeling.
Insight 2
Observe when a pain or feelings changes. This means your corrections are working and you are making progress.
Correction 2
Delete effects of "annoying" experience.
Insight 3
If you have a memory of an experince and it still annoys you, then this experience still has an energetic effect on you. Ask yourself then key questions, does it still BOTHER you when you think about it ? If yes, use the midline to delete the energetic effects. After doing so, thinking about the memory will no longer have the same energetic effect on you.
COrrection 3
Delete effects of experiences of "being right"
Insight 4
Use Chinese Energetics Principles to delete energetics effects of non-physical experiences.
By doing so, physical pain can be eliminated.
Correction 4
Delete effects of causing discomfort to others.
Additional video tips to make energetic correction can be found at Energy Medicine website or email me at vanessa@chineseenergetics.com.
yuen methodenergy medicine
Energy Medicine : How Chest Pressure is Relieved?
Correcting for Chest Pressure in the Heart and Lung Areas
Chest pressure is related to experiencing the lows in life. We are correcting past experiences where she felt the life low(financial, emotional, etc)
She is corrected for lows of life so past experiences wont energetically weaken her. Also, she is corrected to be more neutral to deal with potential future lows, so the effects will be minimum and bouncing back will be easier.
Additional video tips to make energetic correction can be found at Energy Medicine website or email me at vanessa@chineseenergetics.com.
Energy Medicine: How Sore Throat is Relieved? (Yuen Method, Hypnosis, NLP)
Correcting for sore throat.
We are looking for non-physical causes related to physical issue. By correcting the non-physical issues related to "soreness", her physical condition improves.
Tips We are always looking for a non-physical correlation to the physical condition.
A non-physical example of "soreness" can come from a variety of different experiences, such as work, business, family, etc.
If the person experiences a non-physical "soreness" even once in a lifetime, the effects of that experience can remain in the body and left stored in the bio-energetic system including the cellular DNA memory. No releasing these effects can result in energetic weaknesses.
If ignored, these non-physical weaknesses play out and manifest into the physical conditions such as having a sore throat. By correcting for non-physical weakness, the physical condition can improved rapidly.
Additional video tips to make energetic correction can be found at Energy Medicine website or email me at vanessa@chineseenergetics.com.
Energy Medicine: How Sciatic Back Pain is Relieved? ( Yuen Method, Hypnosis, NLP)
Correcting for Sciatic back pain
Tips on feelings energy and making correction:
Intention is to look for an energetic weakness. Ask yourself questions. Ex. Is it the right side? Is it the left side? If you feel a shift in energy, you have found an energetic weakness. Next you make a correction.
The correction made a shift resulting in a tightness in her body.
Note: This means that the correction is working because there was a shift. THis also means the person needs further corrections to make the pain go away.
During the self healing process, each correction can shift the pain to different areas of the body. This is commonly known by holistic practitioners as "chasing the pain".
Tip: She mentioned "tightness." Start to draw relational patterns to her life circumstances. Feel for energetic weaknesses and make correction.
The intention of this correction is to delete the effects of the experiences using the midline
Learn more about the midline principles by watching our vide library or tele-training classes.
With your intention, you consciously direct the flow of energies.
In the movie WHat the Bleep, Quantum Physicist, Dr. Fred Alan Wolf ( Dr. Quantum) demonstrates in a double split experiment that a person consciousness can influence the outcome of the experiment, hence "energy follows thoughts".
Additional video tips to make energetic correction can be found at Energy Medicine website or email me at vanessa@chineseenergetics.com.
back pain,
energy medicine,
yuen method
Energy Medicine: How Fatigue & Muscle Pain is Relieved? (Energy Medicine, Yuen Method, Hypnosis, NLP)
We will be correcting for foot pain.
Correction 1
We correct by deleting the effects of resentment toward others when getting stepped on. We also correct by deleting the guilt and self-judgment of stepping on others.
Next, we apply the same correction to the entire group so they receive the benefits of an individual correction.
Correction 2
We make additional correction by strengthening for pain not returning.
Note: This correction was done for the entire group who has physical pain. Energetic corrections can be done for entire groups.
We will be correcting for tension in shoulders.
Correction 3
We correct for tension in the shoulders.
The shoulder Tension is related to "dropping the ball for taking on too much responsibility and feeling bad for doing so.
We will be correcting for lack of energy.
Correction 4
We correct a troublesome thought that exist with many parents because of the concern they may outlive their children.
In the human condition, parents often expect descendants to outlive them, but in reality children could die before them, such as in times of wars, accidents, illnesses, etc.
When these situations happen, parents experiencing this will feel strong emotional grief, guilt, sadness, etc. resulting in a buildup of energetic weaknesses.
Others who experience this second hand may feel bad from an empathy standpoint which could also energetically weaken themselves.
Tip: Intuitively draw an analogy that metaphorically represents the situation.
In this case, the parents feels sad that everyday they get to see the sun set and their decedents don't.
Additional video tips to make energetic correction can be found at Energy Medicine website or email me at vanessa@chineseenergetics.com.
Energy Medicine: How Face Numbness & Back Pain is Relieved? (Yuen Method, Hypnosis, NLP)
Correcting physical back pain which radiates to front of body
Correction 1
From energetic standpoint, the influences of past of events can still effect us. Frequencies of combat related to our ancestors can create physical pain. Quantum Physics tells us that the past, present, and future are all happening at the same time.
We will be correcting numbness in the face.
Correction 2
There are energetic weaknesses related to experiences of "pushing buttons". A correction is made for neutralizing the Guilt around pushing other peoples buttons and neutralizing your Resentment toward others of getting your own buttons pushed.
Note: this method is useful in neutralizing your "hot buttons", so afterwards people can no longer push them.
We will be correcting numbness in the face.
Correction 1
Often times, our bodies give us signals that metaphorically give us clues to deal with issues in our lives. In this example, this person has areas of life which he wants to numb out translating into a physical condition, face numbness.
Note: Ignoring your true feelings about an experience is an example of suppression. Ex. You are really upset and you try to put a fake smile to hide how you really feel.
The correction is to neutralize the emotions he has stored over time that he still feels toward his life experiences.
Energy Medicine: How Neck & Shoulder Pain is Relieved? (Energy Medicine, Yuen Method, Hypnosis, NLP)
Correcting physical pain in the neck and shoulders.
Correction 1
By bringing awareness to an area such as the left side of her body balances out the right side.
Correction 2
Within Human consciousness many people have the need to be perfect which results in harsh criticism of themselves and others. People who are not neutral to criticism can weaken their physical health.
Energy Medicine: How Chronic Foot Pain is Reduced? ( Yuen Method, Hypnosis, NLP)
Paul identifies and corrects a series of energetic weakness to reduce and eliminate a woman's 10 years chronic foot pain.
Correction 1
Strengthen a weakness in the opposite foot.
Correction 2
An energetic weakness comes from emotional "soreness" with life experiences of being stepped on or stepping on others.
Correction 3
An energetic weakness comes from competing with others.
Correction 4
Strengthen a weakness for a disconnect resulting in pain.
Correction 5
An energetic weakness comes from trying to be perfect.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Energy Medicine at Your Fingertips

In a day filled with stress it’s no longer a surprise if we start feeling physical symptoms such as pain. How can we possibly cure these symptoms when the cause is always present? We can get stressed by even thinking of a good if not the best solutions. The answer is a self-help healing which is called Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) an Energy Medicine.
Every day, we jump into the rush hour. Unable to stop and savor the air that we breath, everything is in a fast pace. We worked so hard and are underpaid. We sleep less and less every time. No more time for relaxation and a good vacation. We end up feeling and looking harassed and no make-up could cover it. Then all of a sudden, our immune system drops down to sea level and diseases starts to creep inside our body and surprises us big time. An unpleasant surprise indeed, something that some of us could not afford. From my experience, after the self-imposed bed rest that I forced myself to adhere after a terrible fatigue due to overwork, I decided to take up and learn this alternative modality. It is something that I came across with during my ‘rest days’ that have helped me a lot in eliminating the pain and fatigability that I felt for a very long time.
There were many alternative Energy Medicine, why did I opt for EFT?
Primarily, I can do it all by myself. Of course, after I visit with a good EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques practitioner who has experience and can find out how to start the process off right. After that, I could do it at home when I feel stressed and uneasy. Second, it is said to be helpful in eliminating phobias, depression, fear, panic, negative thoughts, tension, anxiety, nervousness, insomnia, social anxiety, and most especially STRESS. Third, I do not need to ingest any chemicals to make myself feel better, so I get to protect my kidney. Lastly, no harm can be done in trying. After all, the only thing that the practitioner or I will do is to ‘tap’ certain acupuncture points in my body.
By using this Energy Healing Medicine in eliminating stress from the body, my life had never been better. I have not felt this good ever since. It had open my eyes into the reality that sometimes, the things we feel is a result of the things that bothers our mind. However, although EFT is a wonderful self help, those with diagnosed disease and on-going therapies should consult with their care providers first.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Life on a Maze Speed

Family is where we get our strength – the source of one’s happiness. All my life I dedicated it to them. Getting up early at a certain time, making sure to get my kids prepared for school, washing up, preparing breakfast, checking if they have all what they got before stepping out of the porch, or may it be less beneficial like spending talking to my friends on the phone. Whatever I do, it’s habitual - had been my daily regimen. I have engaged in this behavior because it is something I always do, I have to think about and decided that it is something necessary or useful or even fun because I am a mother.
Yet all of us may go through with some likes and dislikes. Some of us may complain if we even get the chance to relax and be joyful and seem not to have bliss for some time in our lives – if we are, it may have been externally happy. Entertaining these negative notions may cause us unwanted agony. Acquiring illness you haven’t thought you’d be likely to be crawled. Aptly to becoming unproductive with the way we weren’t used to be. Basically, if your attitude is not right, nothing else is right and you have to lose even before you start. The human mind can hold only one thought at a time prominently. So, since there is nothing to be gained by being negative, be positive.

As the years go by, we are moving ahead of line too, getting aged so fast and becoming afraid of many things. I can’t deny to myself that I don’t want to die soon, hallucinating being killed in a burning building, don’t want to be in a train wreck or get cancer. I know that these kinds of fears are very normal, don’t you think? And yet, all of them are pretty unlikely, at least any time soon. So I guess, more realistically, this isn’t helping me how to even accomplish anything. I wasn’t strong enough to do everything on my own to be able to free myself from these threats of life until a friend introduced Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and Chinese Energetics. By using the tapping of the fingertips – applying the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) in a certain area of our body allows you to clear out the negative emotion and thus achieve wellness. And with the help of Energy Medicine let you discover your weakness and make corrections and find yourself better and well.
I realized, if I continue to worry, what will happen to my kids – what kind of life ahead awaits them? So now, living a life at 50’s is never than a fulfilling. As soon I took advantage of these modalities my perspectives have changed, less worries and have thought of letting life takes its course.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Is this indisputable or just a Riddle?
When I first heard about Pranic Healing, confusion rises so as to curiosity. I became skeptical on how it works or if it does really affect into human lives. So I began to look into it so as not to become anxious too. It’s stated that this method of energy healing beneficial when it is used for common illness - that during a healing session, the practitioner may have transferred prana which is called breath, by way of touch from themselves to the person who is being treated. It seems like your tissues and cells are restored and get back your normal function when they are ignited by powerful force. Then it goes detoxification and encourages releasing toxins from our body. This sounds really convincing that you might want to try it yourself. But this doesn’t persuade me at all.

Surprisingly, my fiancé has mentioned being healed by this Powerful Energy healing. Way back in College when he was in his sophomore years, he was vigorously volunteering for social action, an organization for the indigent where they offer medical assistance and any other beneficial aid. He noticed when a group of people gathered in an area where many of them are at the state of bewilderment. There were gentlemen raising their hands acting as faith healers but there weren’t but Pranic healers - curing people from distress and all sorts of illness.
This has been too good to be true for me. I have tried a lot of ways to keeping myself physically, spiritually and mentally healthy such as doing yoga, exercise and swimming and many other forms of becoming fit as a fiddle in and out. More often than not some may have somehow helped me get rid of distress and lessen the burden because working at least 12 hours or more a day will definitely lose your stamina and worse may have become irate all day everyday. You are to think of having the best treat for yourself- getting a massage to alleviate the pressure of everyday life and take as many vitamins for supplement. At the same time as what we all know keeping ourselves burnt out from work may keep us from getting our regimen depleted.
Apparently, since my fiancé is a person with great belief in God, he came to question himself if it does work for him. No doubt but he has been healed, as if like you are totally free from distress right on that moment and your quest to becoming a more spiritual, positive being has mounted. He couldn’t explain and was in shock right after how he was healed. Being a great believer of God and actively a member of the Church, he seems to know how to get strength and courage when troubles come a long his way. But healing (Pranic) really worked. It did give him a conclusion after all his speculations.
I am still puzzled and wanted to try it myself. I wanted to know how my lower back will be healed; my scoliosis has driven me insane that I could hardly get up. This might actually work on me since it did to my fiancé.

Surprisingly, my fiancé has mentioned being healed by this Powerful Energy healing. Way back in College when he was in his sophomore years, he was vigorously volunteering for social action, an organization for the indigent where they offer medical assistance and any other beneficial aid. He noticed when a group of people gathered in an area where many of them are at the state of bewilderment. There were gentlemen raising their hands acting as faith healers but there weren’t but Pranic healers - curing people from distress and all sorts of illness.
This has been too good to be true for me. I have tried a lot of ways to keeping myself physically, spiritually and mentally healthy such as doing yoga, exercise and swimming and many other forms of becoming fit as a fiddle in and out. More often than not some may have somehow helped me get rid of distress and lessen the burden because working at least 12 hours or more a day will definitely lose your stamina and worse may have become irate all day everyday. You are to think of having the best treat for yourself- getting a massage to alleviate the pressure of everyday life and take as many vitamins for supplement. At the same time as what we all know keeping ourselves burnt out from work may keep us from getting our regimen depleted.
Apparently, since my fiancé is a person with great belief in God, he came to question himself if it does work for him. No doubt but he has been healed, as if like you are totally free from distress right on that moment and your quest to becoming a more spiritual, positive being has mounted. He couldn’t explain and was in shock right after how he was healed. Being a great believer of God and actively a member of the Church, he seems to know how to get strength and courage when troubles come a long his way. But healing (Pranic) really worked. It did give him a conclusion after all his speculations.
I am still puzzled and wanted to try it myself. I wanted to know how my lower back will be healed; my scoliosis has driven me insane that I could hardly get up. This might actually work on me since it did to my fiancé.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Hard to believe yet true

The moment I felt that back and chest pain, I felt nervous. I was in denial. I was afraid to go to the doctor and had him confirm after a series of test that something is indeed wrong with me and I need to rest. Rest, as of today, is not in my itinerary. What would my children eat if I stop working, right? Unemployment could not send them to school as well. So I talked to some of my friends about my dilemma and they told me about this Energy Medicine. Truthfully, I am not a fan of any alternative medicine. Growing up inside a ‘logical’ home made me a skeptic of the things that science could not explain. On the other hand, since I could not afford to be skeptic at this time of my life, I tried Chinese Energetics.
What exactly is this Chinese Energetics? This kind of alternative medicine came from the premise that our body functions similar to a computer. We are either on or off, strong or weak to any given issue. The pain we are experiencing is a signal that there is a problem with the flow of energy inside our body. Humans are complex beings with multiple levels of consciousness. It makes sure that every level of consciousness is going well together in order for the pain to be eliminated immediately and goals are attained. To achieve this, the root of the pain or dysfunction must be eliminated and making energetic ‘corrections’, thus alleviating the condition abruptly. Rooting from the energetic technique that has taken years of ancient Chinese Shaolin temple healing comes together with western knowledge. The method simply tells us how to find the weaknesses, allows corrections to make you energetically strong.
My friends had me tried it. When someone arrived in town to do a demonstration and lecture about Chinese Energetics, we grabbed the opportunity. We were asked by the demonstrator to come in front of the room and asked us about our issues may it be emotional or physical. When it was my turn to speak, I felt a certain energy and calm that I never felt before. I was able to relate to him the rest of my story. I left no stone unturned. He said, “Let’s delete that”, as soon as he spoke the words I felt a stronger energy. I felt this intense shift in consciousness that someone who had not experience this could not probably understand. I further told him about the pain I felt in my chest and back. The practitioner has this way of conveying words that will make us realize it’s not really us but what we are thinking. It is our thoughts that direct what we really feel. I felt the energy balanced inside me and immediately I was able to stay in the ‘now’ with no difficulty and had my attention shift directly to my back (which was in pain since that morning) and the pain was no longer there!
The experience was amazing, even for a former skeptic. Finally, No more back and chest pain for me. I am back to my normal activities with vigor and rarely experience the previous physical problems that I use to have. Thanks to my friends for introducing me to this wonderful ancient practice, Energy Medicine.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Who in the world would not take a pill if in pain? I certainly would. I am much of a ‘pain person’. My pain tolerance is as little as the size of a pea. The muscle, back and other physical pain that I have has been there for a long time. Although sometimes, I try not to take any pill but it’s to no avail. I cannot sleep and work on my chores if I keep on feeling uncomfortable everywhere in my body, most especially at my lower back. My friends suggested me seeing a doctor and having myself checked but I am too scared to know what exactly my illness is and was even told just to stop taking pain pills because that would definitely decrease my pain threshold and increase my dependence on it. At the same time, it could damage vital organs in my body such as my liver or kidney. So instead, they made me try to go into Energy Medicine.
Basically, the oriental healing is based from the Yuen Method allowing you to find your weakness, make corrections and find yourself well after. It can help you with pain relief, social anxiety, stress management, smoking cessation and many more. That during the healing process it may need some tapping where it can help you go into a neutral space. The neutral space as they mentioned is a place that is unconditional, that has no attachment and so natural regeneration, healing and rejuvenation can take place.
This video shows how fatigue and muscle pain is relieved by using this advanced form of healing modality, Energy Medicine.
That got my attention, no need to spend anything for pills or going to the doctor. I started to become interested about it and I tumbled over some videos on the internet while I research on the subject. Primarily, I must admit I did not understand what the speaker was saying. It was quite unclear. The audio was satisfactory but the video was unclear. I needed to play it again to grasp what he was telling the man. I just wished that the speaker directed his words to the audience, as if speaking to each one of us instead to the person who was in the video. I think that would produce a more satisfying effect as what I have experienced first hand with Paul.
On the other hand, with regards to the subject, it was something that everybody should learn and could do by themselves. The awareness of one’s problem could help you overcome not only your emotions but the pain that is physically present in your body. But you must first have a better understanding on how and where to determine your midline. That’s where everything starts. The center is a place of neutrality, when you are centered; your body works in utmost pace. In order to get into the midline you must free yourself, emptying yourself. Therefore, you just need to free yourself from destructions and start recognizing the problem in order to correct it. So probably, most of the aches we feel are psychosomatic. If we could find what distresses us the most, acknowledge it and then let it go, all pain will go away.
I have tried it. I have let go of the resentments and the burden I have felt – of course, one cannot do it in a blink. I needed to do it one step at a time, letting go of negative emotions little by little until I have felt I am not only emotionally healed, but the long standing pain that I have been feeling is gone! Chinese Energetics works! Try it!
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